The King’s Speech will be shown at the Ottawa Family Cinema on Friday March 11. The movie won Best Film award at the Toronto Film Festival and has already garnered a Golden Globe Best Actor Award for Colin Firth’s portrayal of King George VI who stuttered and his relationship with his speech therapist Lionel Logue. […]
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The King’s Speech
For those of us who stutter, see the film again. Firth really learned the nuances, and not just the facial and verbal features of a PWS. Before and even part way through ‘therapy’, you see very little eye contact when he is talking to others, with the possible exception of his wife and children.
Brendon Lamarche is featured in this excellent article titled “The Power of Positive Speaking.” In addition to describing Brendon’s experience as a person who stutters, the treatment he has engaged in and the changes it has made in his life, the article provides other information about stuttering such as recent research into a gene that causes […]
“A King’s Speech” on BBC Radio
David has forwarded this link of a BBC Radio play about King George VI’s preparation for his first royal broadcast in 1937. The play is about 45 minutes long, and will only be available to listen to online for the next 5 days.
congrats on this great website!
Well I just wanted to post my congratulations on this wonderful website, it looks amazing!! I know there have been many exciting changes for your group lately and I look forward to seeing what 2011 will hold. What a great way for people to connect and share ideas locally. I thought “The King’s Speech” was […]
Our next self-help group meeting on January 19 will discuss stuttering and openness in relationships: how open are we about our stuttering with our family, with our spouse, close friends or even co-workers? Members of the group have been invited to bring a guest to the meeting to discuss this issue. We invite other people […]